What to Expect

What to Expect

Our mission is to reach out into the community to join hands with those who are looking for a closer relation wth our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

People dress nicely, on the casual side, but respectful. 

Children are always welcome in worship at St. Peter!  If your child becomes restless, a nursery is provided for parents having infants to three years of age.  Please feel free to speak with an usher or Elder for assistance. 

We ask that our guests please speak with our pastor before taking Communion. 


Building Usage Policy

St. Peter Lutheran Church

With the prior written approval of the Pastor and Board of Elders, certain groups (“Approved Groups”) may use the buildings and/or property of St. Peter Lutheran Church, Gun Barrel City, Inc. (“St. Peter”) (collectively, the “Property”), as a meeting place. However, the teachings and policies of all Approved Groups must conform to the clear teaching of scripture, i.e. the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible.  No non-Christian religions may use the Property to conduct religious services or use the Property for any reason.  In addition, no group promoting homosexual behavior as acceptable or normal, or allowing openly gay leaders to serve as role models to children or adults, will be allowed or permitted to use the Property.  The congregation of St. Peter, in accordance with Holy Scripture, do not support such practices or behavior (See Matthew 15:19; Romans 1:18—32; 1Corinthians 5:9—10; 1Timothy 1:8—10; and Revelation 22:15).


Marriage Policy

St. Peter Lutheran Church

The Pastor of the Congregation only performs marriages (unions between one man and one woman) for heterosexual (non-transgendered) couples upon completion of marriage counseling as determined by the Pastor of the Congregation. The Pastor of the Congregation reserves the right to either delay a marriage or refuse to perform a marriage ceremony of any kind at the discretion of the Pastor of the Congregation and the Board of Elders. Only Heterosexual Marriages may be performed on the Grounds of or any Property belonging to the Congregation.


Funeral Policy

St. Peter Lutheran Church

St. Peter Lutheran will provide Christian burial for friends, significant others and family members of our members. The deceased does not need to have been Lutheran, but he/she needs to have been Christian.During a funeral service at St. Peter Lutheran, we focus on Christ, on His cross and on His resurrection. We listen to God’s comforting word to us. The only person who speaks this word is the pastor. The congregation is given opportunity to respond at appointed times and is invited to sing the hymns, to pray the Lord’s prayer and to confess the Apostles’ Creed together.

If friends or family members wish to give a eulogy, this may happen during the visitation at the funeral home (if applicable) or during the funeral meal if there is one. However, we do not permit eulogizing during the service. Also, any songs, sayings, prayers, poems, readings or any such thing that is printed in the bulletin or used during the service are subject to approval by the pastor and the board of elders.  All material must agree with scripture and Lutheran doctrine.


Communion Statement

St. Peter Lutheran Church


Communion is for baptized Christians who have received communion instruction from an LCMS pastor. We come to the communion rail as repentant sinners who receive the true body and true blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. If you have any questions, please talk to pastor before communing with us.

