Care & Share is a Pantry Service offered by four local churches:
St. Peter Lutheran Church, GBC
First Baptist Church, GBC
First Baptist Church, Payne Springs, and
First Methodist Church, Payne Springs.
Participation is open to all members who would like to serve in this service. Contact Diane Brookins. Organizational meetings are held each month, the second Wednesday at 2:00 at the church that is in charge for that month.
The Resource Center in GBC greets the people who are in need of the pantry services, and contacts the church that is scheduled for that time.
The facility where the Pantry is located is on the property of the First Baptist Church, which loans that location to Care & Share.
More information may be obtained by contacting Diane Brookins.
Veterans of Foreign Wars is located near the corner of 334 and 274, across the street from Brookshire's Grocery. Evening suppers are open to the community each Friday of the month. Contact Randall Johnston or Peggy for more information.
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Click on this link to have access to the Stewardship Newsletter and information about this Ministry: Newsletter
Our Definition of Christian Stewardship
Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family, the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes.
God’s Stewards are God’s Stewards
God’s Stewards are Managers, Not Owners
God’s Stewards are Saints and Sinners
God’s Stewards are Uniquely Singular, yet Profoundly Plural
God’s Stewards are In the World but Not Of the World
God’s Stewards are Loved and Loving
God’s Stewards are Served and Serving
God’s Stewards Live with an Awareness of the Present and Future, of Time and Eternity